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Rebel FM

Feb 23, 2019

This week we talk the slightest bit about Metro Exodus and Anthem, as well as the new operators added to Rainbow Six: Siege, and a few other games before barreling into your questions and emails. 

This week's music: 

Front Line Assembly - Rock Me Amadeus

Feb 16, 2019

This week we're all back together (metaphorically) and talking games, with lots of Kingdom Hearts III, lots of Apex Legends, lots of Crackdown 3, and some Eco, Astroneer, and Rainbow Six: Siege to boot. 

This week's music: 

Karen O - Bullet with Butterfly Wings

Feb 9, 2019

This week it's just two of us but we somehow manage to talk for longer than we probably should about below the belt selfies, Apex Legends, Resident Evil 2, some next-gen gossip, and more!

This week's music: 

Billie Eilish - bury a friend