Aug 29, 2009
Hola! Welcome to Rebel FM Episode 31. This week we're joined by's Community Manager Tina Sanchez as we talk about LOL,
Wolfenstein, Guitar Hero 5, and more. Then we move on to your
experiences with video game violence, and close out with letters.
Make sure to keep your ears tuned after the last song.
Aug 27, 2009
Welcome back friends and neighbors, and thanks for joining us in our concluding episode of our Game Club series on Heavenly Sword! After this episode we'll be taking a few weeks off from Game Club due to PAX and scheduling, but we'll be scheming for the next game in the meantime. As usual, you can check out a video for...
Aug 21, 2009
Hola and welcome to episode 30 of Rebel FM! This week Tyler, Anthony and I (Arthur) talk about Wet, Wolfenstein, Shin Megami DS and Rage, then move on to talk about the PS3 price cut and the hardware situation as we (and some of you) see it. Then we close out with letters, including an extended discussion on how...
Aug 19, 2009
Greetings and welcome to our first episode of our Game Club series on Heavenly Sword! This week we talk about our initial thoughts about the storytelling and mechanics, how the game does things differently than its peers, and then things get a little heated on the topic of motion control. This is a two episode Game...
Aug 14, 2009
Salutations! It's Anthony Gallegos, Tyler Barber and Arthur Gies
this week as we talk about Shadow Complex, Operation Flashpoint 2,
Fable 2 and more in what we've been playing, then we move on to
talk about good and bad game design in the second segment and close
out with letters.
Fat penis to you, John Hughes. Thanks...