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Rebel FM

Nov 28, 2016

Hey, yeah, we borrowed a Vive and played VR games for Thanksgiving and it turns out that it's actually pretty cool. Listen to Matt, Anthony, James, and Matt's wife, Eleanor, as we discuss our VR experiences, a bit of Dishonored 2, and an awesome stealth game called Shadwen. Enjoy!

Nov 19, 2016

We're back after taking a little time, and we're here with a pretty good number of games to talk about, including Watch Dogs 2 and Dishonored 2. We even answer some emails, including about Nintendo's Switch and Black Friday TV deals. 

Note: there was a problem with the original show audio, so an updated version has been...

Nov 5, 2016

This week it's a short show as we talk quickly about Infinite Warfare and Modern Warfare, Battlefield 1, Titanfall 2's campaign, Blizzcon announcements and more. We'll be livestreaming for 24 hours for Extra Life on November 5th, so tune into to watch! 

This week's music:

Jimmy Eat World - Get Right