Jun 26, 2021
We're back, and arguing about the Fast and the Furious - specifically F9! But also we chat more about Sable, Terra Nil, and Wildermyth, chat about the appeal of the new Pirates of the Carribean-themed Sea of Thieves DLC, and go deep on Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart before answering some of your emails!
This week's...
Jun 18, 2021
We're all back together this week to decompress and discuss our thoughts and reactions to E3, including lots of talk about what kind of game RedFall actually, probably is, how underwhelming some of the showings were, and just how long we can expect covid to disrupt the video game industry (spoilers: it's gonna be...
Jun 12, 2021
Don't let the episode number fool you - we crossed 500 episodes a while back. But there's still plenty to get excited for, like Heroes of Hammerwatch, Slipways, Psychonauts, Returnal, Ghost of Tsushima, Necromunda: Hired Gun, Griftlands, Overboard, Hitman 3, and a lot of talk about this year's E3, including your...