Nov 27, 2009
Hello and welcome to our special episode, in which we celebrate America's finest tradition, Juneteenth! We celebrate by, uh, well. By doing the same thing we always do, except faster! We talk about games we've been playing, including a number of IGF competitors, Silent Hill Wii, the new Borderlands DLC and more. Then we...
Nov 20, 2009
Bonjour! Welcome to Episode 41 of Rebel FM. This week we start by talking about Left 4 Dead 2, Assassin's Creed II, Peggle Nights and more, then move on to a slightly spoilery conversation about Modern Warfare 2. However! We make clear mention of it before starting, and you can then skip to 1:18:20 to avoid any...
Nov 13, 2009
Greetings! This week we talk about Europa Universalis, MW2, the
upcoming Dawn of War 2 expansion and more, then move on to our
second segment covering why you buy your games on the platforms you
choose. Then we close out with letters. Vaginacles!
This week's music, in order of appearance:
People in Planes - Mayday;...
Nov 11, 2009
Bienvenidos! Thanks for joining us for episode 2 of our Game Club
series on Crimson Skies: The High Road to Revenge. This week we
talk about chapters 6-10, taking us through Arixo and Navajo
territory into the first section of Chicago. For next week, be sure
to play through chapter 15. Bombardier penis!
Nov 6, 2009
Greetings, and welcome back to "the usual routine"! This week we're
joined by 1up's Tina Sanchez as we talk about Dragon Age, R&C:
A Crack in Time, L4D2, the hullabaloo about Modern Warfare 2, and
more, then move on to your twitter topics and letters. Cordial
This week's music, in order of appearance: